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Can CIA Really Help You Turn Your Life Around?

Whether you're trying to grow your business, lose weight, be a better parent, make more money or improve any area of your life, I’ve discovered there's a proven formula that can pretty much guarantee results but before I get to that, let me share a bit about my personal journey and how this formula transformed my life.

A Personal Story

While I experienced some level of success at an early age, I, like a lot of people which probably includes you experienced some bumps in the road along the way.

In my early twenties, I had quit my job to start my own business and bought my first house by the age of 21. I was on top of the world.

Unfortunately, my success was short lived. As a result of bad decisions, lack of experience and naivety, I lost pretty much everything; my business, my income and my house. Going from a three bedroom home to a small room in my parent’s house was really tough for a super independent guy like me.

Thank goodness I still had my health but did get some knocks in that area as well when I suffered a head on collision and totaled my car. Talk about getting kicked while you’re down.

In addition to adjusting to my new life, I was also dealing with some serious family issues at that time so to say this was the lowest point in my life would be an understatement. Note: Little did I know that was just Chapter 1 of life's challenges but that's a story for another time.

Everything seemed to be going wrong and the world appeared to be conspiring against me.

It Takes Guts

Because I dropped out of university after my first year and hadn't competed any post-secondary education at that time, my job options were limited so I decided to sign up with a Temporary Work Agency in an attempt to get back on my feet. I wasn’t fussy at this point so I took whatever jobs came my way whether that was loading trucks, sweeping floors, etc.

Finally, I thought I had caught a break and landed a decent paying job at a meat packing plant and while I didn't realize it at the time, it would become a major turning point in my life.

It was 1990 and I was literally up to my knees in steaming cow guts, urine and feces and like a brick in the face, I realized right then and there, I needed to make some serious changes. Funny thing is that was actually part of my job because I worked on the "cleanup" crew at a slaughterhouse. Actually it wasn’t really funny back then but I can laugh about it now :-)

The Shift

With a goal of transforming my life, I started learning and applying a multitude of self-improvement, personal development and success principles. This knowledge and the action I took as a result led to going from single and broke and at the lowest point in my life with no prospects to getting hired at a one of the top employers in Atlantic Canada where incidentally I met the love of my life and became a very proud father of two wonderful girls who enrich my life more than I can express in words.

Today, I'm a husband, father, entrepreneur, published author, data wrangler and explorer of all things that lead to better living. I built a good life for myself and my family because of things I learned and put into practice.

The Formula

The formula I referred to earlier that I credit for pulling me out of the basement at the slaughterhouse knee deep in guts to where I am today is:

Mindset +Clarity + CIA = Success

If you were to look at any worthwhile achievement in your own life, I’m pretty sure you’ll see the elements of this formula. Essentially, you must be clear on what you want, believe that it is possible and then take the action necessary to bring it into reality.

Mindset: If you're in a constant state of negativity and think in terms of "I can't", "this is too hard", “why bother” or "this sucks" when faced with new challenges I can pretty much guarantee you won't stay with something long enough to get any real results. Change your thoughts and change your experience.

Clarity: Clarity really boils down to knowing exactly what you want and making a solid plan to get there otherwise you’ll spin your wheels all day being busy doing all the wrong things which means in the end a lot of wasted energy, effort and frustration.

C.I.A. stands for Consistent Intentional Action: To be successful at anything you need to take regular (Consistent) focused (Intentional) action based on the desired outcome which is why all 3 elements of the formula are critical.

If you're not where you want to be in any area of your life, the challenges can most likely be traced back to a missing element in this formula. Apply the formula and the results will follow.

It’s Up To You

What I’ve discovered is that when it comes to making changes for the better, even small steps can move you closer to your goals and dreams and I am proof of that. In order to make anything happen, the first step is to decide once and for all that you’re going to do it and then actually do it.

Finally, all the information we could possibly ever want or need to improve our lives is literally available at our fingertips but that information is worthless unless we take the next step which is consistent intentional action so go ahead… get clear, believe and do it.

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